Easier, Quicker Diaper Changes And Potty Trips (NO disposable waste) Antsy Pants Reusable Pull-Up Cloth Diapers For Your Toddler Or Big Kid home home

Happier Diaper Changes for You and Your Child

Contact Us

Not finding the answer to your question?

We are constantly updating this site with the goal of improving its usability and ability to provide an enjoyable and educational experience to our visitors. If you have questions that have not been addressed to date, please take a few moments to let us know.

Want to let us know how much you like our product? We love to hear that, too. Please let us know if we can add your comment to our growing list of testimonials, and if you have a photo of your child wearing Antsy Pants™  Pull-Up Cloth Diapers to go along with it we will be happy to post it on our Website. The submission form for feedback is located on our "Spread The Word" page.


The best way to reach us. If you've already placed or received your order, make sure you include either your order number or the name on the order so we can check details before responding.


For general questions before placing an order as well as customer service needs, call 971 238-3212 and leave a message for us.

Please speak slowly and leave us your call-back number (if different from the number you are calling from) plus your email address, spelled out. Depending on your question, it may be easier to respond by email.


Fly Baby, LLC
21300 NW Cornell Rd, Box #13
Hillsboro, Oregon

Packages received without authorization will not guarantee refund of payment. Do not return your purchase without prior authorization via email or telephone. Leases may be returned at any time without authorization. 

Please allow a few days for us to respond to your message, due to time zones, wonky schedules and "helpful" children...